0333 772 0692

Company Name
Factotum Ltd

Questionnaire completed by
Graham Abbey (Managing Director)

Date Completed

Is your organisation aware of the changes to data protection law under GDPR and how it will impact your business?
Yes, Factotum Ltd have already made the relevant changes to our policies and procedures.

Have you undertaken formal gap analysis / an information audit against requirements under GDPR?

Have you initiated a project to achieve GDPR Compliance?

Do you expect to be compliant with GDPR by 25 May 2018?

Have you appointed / will you appoint a Data Protection Officer?
Yes (Graham Abbey)

Do you have a training program in place to ensure all relevant staff are aware of GDPR requirements prior to May 25 2018?
Yes (ongoing)

Have you created a record of your processing of personal data?

Please detail the personal data that your service or product collects, stores, processes or has access to.
Factotum Ltd processes and retains details within our Call Handling database, including but not limited to, client name, company name, company contact details (address, email address and phone number/s), contact details (phone number/s and email address) of company personnel, clients bank details (bank, sort code and account number) and DoB.   When taking calls on behalf of our clients Factotum Ltd process and retain the following details, including but not limited to: customer name, telephone number/s, email address, address and any message.   When taking card payments from both clients, and clients customers, Factotum Ltd has access to but does not document or retain any credit card information.

Do you intend to revise your Privacy Notice?
This has been done. A separate email will be sent shortly documenting our new Privacy Policy requesting that you read and sign your agreement.

Do you have a privacy notice on your website?
The privacy notice will be posted on our website prior to the GDPR “Go Live” date of 25th May 2018 – www.ukfactotum.com/PrivacyPolicy

Do you have policies and procedures in place to comply with a data subject’s rights including their rights: to be informed; to access; to rectification; to erasure; to data portability; to object to direct marketing.

Do you transfer personal data outside of the EU?

If so, what steps have you taken to ensure GDPR Compliance?

Do you have a documented process for storing data and retaining it in line with GDPR requirements?
Yes. All data is stored on our secure servers and located behind our company firewall. We utilise a secure Call Handling database.

Has your organisation considered the GDPR Data Minimisation principle and reflected this in your relevant data retention policies?
Yes. Data held within our Call Handling database is “flushed” monthly with data over 12 months being deleted.

Do you encrypt personal data when you transfer it to 3rd parties?
Messages from our Call Handling database are not routinely encrypted. Personal data including Direct Debit and Payroll information is encrypted prior to being transferred.

Please describe how data that is transmitted is protected.

Have you documented your data breach notification procedures to meet GDPR requirements, and have all relevant staff been given adequate training in this?
Yes. A copy is available on-line at www.ukfactotum.com/FactotumGDPR_Breach_Policy

Have you had any data breaches or large-scale data losses in the last 12 months?

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We are pleased to announce the completion of a recent growth and expansion project which resulted in the employment  of 4 additional members of staff – including a Sales & Marketing Manager.

This project was supported by New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership through the Growing Business Fund and we are very grateful for all the help and advice we received from Richard and the New Anglia Growth Hub team.




October in England: whipping wind, steady week long drizzle, and temperatures dipping into the “where’s my heavy coat?” category

Whether you’re self-employed or work in an office, it can be tricky to stay productive on a miserable day. The call of the cozy duvet and Netflix is strong! Here are 5 tips to stay productive, maybe even have a little fun, at work on rainy days.

  1. De-clutter.

    If you’re anything like me, my desk slowly turns pale yellow over the course of each week due to the creeping coverage of sticky notes. Combine that with random sheets to be filed and my pen-centric kleptomania, and my desk is the definition of organized chaos. Rainy days slow down most folks, so use the spare time to combine the Post-it knowledge into one manageable list. (I love ticking off to do’s!) Then, file the papers and pass out pens to those less fortunate in your office. You’re building morale and clearing your desk. Win-win.

  2. Brave the wind and wet for lunch with a colleague.

    Yes it’s miserable out there, but your local pub is sure to have a nice pie or curry to warm you up. Use the time out of the office to share ideas. Or, if you’re lucky, grab the boss and discuss your personal goals for the company and yourself in that plan. Promotions are not usually given due to excellent filing habits. Show that you see yourself having future in the company, and he/she will start to see that future too.

  3. Follow-up on old leads.

    Even the best sales person has a random 5-10 people that have fallen through the cracks. Go through your CRM (set one up TODAY if you don’t have one already. I recommend RealTime CRM) and sort out the duds from the possibilities. I’ve called a lead that laid dormant for over a year and got the business. It’s all about timing.

  4. Use the proper fuel.

    Skip that 5th, 6th, 7th… cup of coffee or tea and go for a tart apple or tangy orange. You’ll stay alert longer, and your body will thank you for the reprieve. The strong, citrus smell while you’re peeling an orange will awaken your senses, let alone the satisfying burst of sweet juice as you bite into it. Yum! It will also give your blood sugar levels a quick boost with no letdown, like there is with caffeine.

  5. Connect with your current clients.

    One of the best ways to build a business is to make your clients/customers love you. Obviously, provide excellent service and products, but customers also appreciate knowing that you care about their business. Sending thank you cards, reaching out on social media, having a monthly newsletter, and making sure your phones are answered (cough cough- try us with a free trial– cough cough) are just a few ways you can stay connected with your clients and build the love. If you stay at the top of their mind, they’re less likely to stray to competitors and more likely to refer you to friends and colleagues.

Rainy days never looked so good!

Factotum Limited
6 The old Railway Station
Green Road
Copyright © 2002 – 2024 Factotum Limited All Rights Reserved
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