0333 772 0692

There can be several reasons for not being able to answer the phone promptly during a busy working day. Either the phone rings right at a critical moment in my cleaning process, or when I am driving, or it rings when I am talking to a client or at a critical phase of a quotation. Sometimes I simply don’t hear it ringing!
Of those calls, many don’t leave a message and when I ring the caller back it is too late as they have already found another carpet cleaner who is now booked to do the job. Even if I ring them back within a few seconds – it’s too late – their line is engaged speaking to my competitors. I estimate that I lose about four new business enquiries per month. Multiply this by my average job price and I can put a price on my lost business opportunity, so I have taken corrective action, through Factotum.
I am pleased to say that Factotum now answers all the calls that I fail to answer during the day. They talk to the customer, take their contact details, advise that I am right in the middle of a job and will call them back as soon as I am free. Callers actually appreciate that I am busy, it is a good sign. The potential customer is happy that they have not had to hang up, or record a message, instead they have spoken to someone who has listened to their needs and offered my services.
Factotum staff are fast, friendly and efficient. They also know about my business and the type of services I offer – so they talk with authority and reassurance. The details of the call are sent to me within a few seconds both by text, and email. I respond to the customer and book an appointment. Thank you Factotum for helping me grow my business.

Factotum Limited
6 The old Railway Station
Green Road
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