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We are pleased to announce the completion of a recent growth and expansion project which resulted in the employment  of 4 additional members of staff – including a Sales & Marketing Manager.

This project was supported by New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership through the Growing Business Fund and we are very grateful for all the help and advice we received from Richard and the New Anglia Growth Hub team.




I realize that it may be afternoon or even 11:54pm when you’re reading this, but it’s morning for me. So I’ll run with it. It is a beautiful morning at that! The birds are chirping. I think that it is only supposed to rain for part of the day, and I have a warm mug of my favourite tea in my hands, Pukka three mint. With that said, I have to admit something to you, and it might mean that you won’t be able to read my blogs anymore. But… I don’t drink caffeine. I know. How do I survive as an adult in my late twenties with work and life obligations and NO CAFFEINE? Simply put, it makes me go bonkers. However, I do allow myself dark chocolate. There is only a minimal amount of caffeine, and it has the healthy cousin theobromine in it. Here’s a great link for all you curious chocolate lovers http://www.amanochocolate.com/articles/how-much-caffeine-is-in-chocolate/. Fun fact: the pulp surrounding the cocoa beans really does taste like lemonade!

Moving swiftly on…

What a great month for the Factotum family! We had 8 new clients come on board, and we had a great time at the NDCC Awards Banquet.  

https://www.suffolkchamber.co.uk/events/suffolk_chamber_events/ndcc_business_awards_evening_friday_05_june_2015/ It was a marvellous event with dinner and dancing provided by some of our very own. Ann’s daughter Laura (pictured below with dance partner Luke) is an international competitive Latin dancer and did some cha-cha among others, and Heidi’s daughter Olivia danced ballroom with her partner, Dominic. (Whew! That sentence was a comma minefield.) Ann is our operations manager, and Heidi is one of our lovely receptionists. We have quite the talented crew.

Speaking of how talented our crew is…

Did you know that we can provide support to your tech support? Not all of us dance, but we are a professional facility that knows how to provide the personal service you require. Most of our callers never know that they have phoned into a call handling facility! Our Classic Plus service offers you a friendly voice to take/relay your messages and forward calls to your phone lines, as you would expect. What you may not know is that we can also login to your CRM and fill out a customer support form, sign clients up for your training course or event, log a support call for your technical team, or take a payment. Yeah, we do all that! It’s at a reasonable rate, too. Monthly charges start at £35, and we are happy to create a bespoke plan based on how many and the types of calls we would be taking for you. I’d say that’s pretty snazzy… not cha-cha snazzy, but pretty close.

Factotum Limited
6 The old Railway Station
Green Road
Copyright © 2002 – 2025 Factotum Limited All Rights Reserved
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